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Make Music Day

By 21 June 2023June 28th, 2023No Comments

Make Music Day UK is an annual celebration of music-making that takes place in communities across the world on the 21st of June. The celebration builds on a concept started in France in 1982 – that a day each year should be dedicated to music, with no barriers to people playing and enjoying live performances – and has now spread to more than 125 countries.

At Lordswood, we continue to build upon our Proud Traditions by providing opportunities for all children to celebrate music. This year for Make Music Day, we decided to celebrate music through performance. We spent the day enjoying music, sharing a ‘Family’ themed song with others whilst recording our feelings using our metacognition skills.

FSU sang a lovely song (accompanied by signing) all about Family. They thought about how the song made them feel and what was special about their families.

Year 1 enjoyed singing “Sing by Gary Barlow”. They knew that it was important to warm up their voices by stretching their vocal cords. They discussed why it was important to practice and show perseverance. They enjoyed performing to Year 2 and listening to their amazing singing too.

Year 2 sang ‘Consider Yourself’ from the legendary production of Oliver. This song speaks about being part of a family and they sang in two parts. They really enjoyed becoming the cheeky character of Dodger, adding their own actions and a few winks here and there!

Year 4 performed their Big Sing rendition of Senwa Dedende to Year 3 đŸŽ¶

Year 6 sang ‘Love your life’ by Robbie Williams  because it is about hope and spreading positivity – just what you always need as a family of people. They enjoyed performing it to Year 5 with actions!



