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Key Information



Key Information





Our school motto is ā€˜Learning without Limitsā€™ which expresses our deep desire to enable all our pupils to fulfil their greatest potential and to be encouraged to try new things and excel.


At Lordswood School we are committed to ensuring all children receive quality first teaching within the classroom. Each lesson is differentiated by our highly trained teachers to meet the needs of the individual child and promote inclusivity. All classes are fully equipped with Maths, English and cross curricular resources to promote individual learning across all curriculum areas. The school promotes an environment which is communication friendly and provides bespoke support to enhance universal communication and remove barriers to communication and learning.

Children are assessed according to their levels of needs and targets are set, monitored and reviewed half termly in light of the progress made. Where necessary, timely, focused interventions are put in place to address the barriers to learning some children face. If children persistently struggle to achieve, we have a highly trained staff team on hand to provide additional support. Where necessary, parental consent will be sought for school to liaise with external agencies, e.g. The school health Service, Educational Psychologists, Early Help Service, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapists, Outreach Services and CAMHS, for additional advice and assessment.

If further support is needed, the school may liaise with parents to start the process towards an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). However, this is up to the discretion of the schools SENDco as to whether your child meets the local authorityā€™s threshold. Please be aware that this is a lengthy process and if you would like more information, you should arrange an appointment with the schools SENDco.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in children may be mild to severe or temporary to long term. Being part of the Griffinā€™s School Trust, we adhere to our fundamental pillars. We ensure a culture of 100% achievement for all our Griffins. We ensure that our SEND provision is of the highest quality and take into account the children in school that may have differing needs, and implement appropriate provision for them. We do this through half-termly Pupil Progress Meetings, quality first teaching and daily interventions which are constantly reviewed and further programmes put into place to accelerate progress.

We have a SENDco who works as a partner under Medwayā€™s Early Help Strategy (2021-2024) and offers this support to meet the wider needs of the child and their family. The SENDco and Griffin Families work alongside professionals and have valued their support, saying that it has made an improvement to their family life. At the end of each academic year, an excellent liaison with staff from nurseries and secondary schools ensures a smooth transition of pupils leaving and joining our Griffin Family. Where necessary, a member of our staff accompanies children for an induction visit to their new educational setting to ensure a robust transition, as required.

Should you need to speak to the SENDco please call the school office on: 01634 336767 and ask to speak with Claire Beehan.

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Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
