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Lordswood Olympics 2023

By 29 September 2023October 1st, 2023No Comments

On Thursday and Friday, Lordswood School hosted its annual Lordswood Olympics. A great number of parents attended each afternoon to compete against their children in up to 15 different events that tested their skills of precision, balance and energy. Throughout the afternoon the leadership between parents and children switched many times. Who finished as the household champion?

There were many highlights over the two days including: parents needing their hand held to walk across the beam, archery arrows hitting high onto the classroom building, only one parent managing to score in the top corner target in penalty shot and many hilarious attempts at hula-hooping. What a fabulous time had by all!

This year we saw a larger number of parents than ever before and over the course of both days managed to raise an estimated Ā£600 – a magnificent achievement.

A huge well done to the Year 5&6 helpers on the days and, as always, thank you all for your support.

We look forward to doing it again in 2024!


