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Earth Day

By 22 April 2024April 27th, 2024No Comments
Today, the children put their geography skills to good use with some exciting lessons for Earth Day. This year’s theme was Planet vs Plastics and they explored the impact that plastic waste has on our world.
FSU watched videos and spoke about the impact of using plastic and what happens to it. They then read ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ and discussed how one small piece of plastic hurt so many animals. The children were so passionate that they created posters and signs to persuade people to be careful of their rubbish.
In year 1 and 2, the children explored how plastic waste impacts our environment. They looked at different locations with awful plastic pollution and discussed what impact it is having on the wildlife, the people and the appearance of those areas.
In year 3 and 4, they explored which countries within Europe were the best when it came to their rates of recycling. They were quite surprised to find that the UK is 21st on the list – we can definitely do better.
Finally, in year 5 and 6, the children delved deeper into recycling and found out that much of the plastic that people spend so much time organising for the waste collectors is sent to other countries,, such as Turkey, to be recycled. Unfortunately, this is not always what is happening and they explored the impact this is having on the people of Turkey, before coming up with innovative ways to reuse plastic waste.
What a fantastic Earth Day we had with some incredibly important learning. Who knows, maybe one day one of the Lordswood family will become famous for doing something to make a difference in the war against plastics in our world.