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Creepy Claws Club

By 11 July 2023No Comments

The children have had a wonderful time at the Creepy Claws afterschool club.

Michael gave the children lots of interesting facts and plenty of hands on time with the animals. The children learnt how to handle them and where they came from. They saw: rabbits, skinny pigs, lizards, snakes, spiders, hedgehogs, geckos, guinea pigs, frogs, scorpions and many other creatures.
Fun facts
Did you know that some scorpions glow in the dark?
Did you know that some lizards have 30 babies and eat up to half of them?
Did you know that if you keep an axolotl in water it stops the evolution and if you take it out and promote the evolutionary process. it will turn into a salamander?
Did you know that the crested gecko comes from the Amazon and will climb your arm to get to the highest point like it would in the wild?
Did you know that a skinny pig has been completely made by humans to test skin products on? Therefore, they need to have sun cream and moisturiser applied regularly and wear coats in the winter.
The children have been amazing this term and have over come some of their fears and worries. Every single child who has been in this club has grown in confidence – well done all!