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Year 6 Career Workshop

By 10 June 2024No Comments

As part of the Who’s Who Mentoring Programme, Chatham Grammar School For Girls offered us a chance to take part in a World of Careers workshop – a fun and interactive activity for Year 6 children exploring career ideas.

The 45-minute workshop included a game, discussion and personality quiz along with free resources for the us to keep. This was then followed by a 20-minute talk from Esther about her career path. Her passion for art and design shone through and her work with local companies was amazing.

Both the workshop and talk were engaging, informative ad interesting. We learned a lot about our likes and dislikes and the different opportunities available to us. We learned that sometimes the path is not always easy or straight and we needed to be resilient and persevere in order to get what we want. We were all very inspired after the session.

