Today, 43 enthusiastic year 6 children embarked on an exciting adventure to Bowles Rocks for a thrilling 3-day trip. With their bags packed and hearts full of anticipation, we bid farewell to our families and boarded the coach.
Upon arrival, we wasted no time in making our beds and settling into our rooms with our friends. After a delicious jacket potato lunch, our action-packed activities began.
Team A, also known as the Jamals, hit the slopes for some skiing. Team B, the Rizzle Kids, explored Harrison’s rocks. Team C, the Cold Squad, engaged in team games and pool kayaking. And last but not least, Team D, the “Can I get a hi ya?!” crew, tackled climbing and low ropes. What an incredible start to our adventure!
We enjoyed a hearty dinner of sausage and chips, followed by a delightful sing-along around the campfire and a chapter from our book, “The Hunger Games.” The excitement and energy among us is palpable as we look forward to the days ahead filled with new experiences and unforgettable memories.